
to the "Coming Down to Earth" Conflict Transformation Summit!

We’re so glad you decided to form a group to work together with. This guide aims to support you to hold shared processes around the Coming Down to Earth content, to deepen the experience and learnings that come out of it.

Dear Hub Host,

This guide intends to support your efforts in hosting local or translocal groups to embark together on the "Coming Down to Earth" Journey.

This Conflict Transformation Online Summit experience is different from most online programs. The small group you're offering to host, offer face-to-face learning, processing and opportunities to highlight practical applications of the material. Groups can chose different elements of the summit like the pre-recorded interviews and use them to connect and explore the theme of conflict transformation in relation to their own lived experiences and specific context.

As a Host, you will play a key role in helping local change-makers, organizations, and/or communities meet, learn, network, and improve collaboration together.

If you are organizing a group, this guide offers ideas and materials for how to engage the participants in your group/hub and use the materials from the summit. All of the ideas, proposals and materials offered here are invitations - not instructions. The guide aims to provide support for a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, so please feel free to use whatever serves your specific situation best - and leave the rest.

The Summit Host Team: Ben Roberts, Eva Schonveld and Nuno Da Silva

If you have any questions, you can reach us at info@conflicttransformationsummit.org

Last updated