Host's Role

As a host, you will hold a small group of people through their experience of the summit. This should be a light touch role, which will also support you to get the most possible from the summit.

The main responsibilities of hosts will be:

As a host, the key roles might include:

·Convening, organizing logistics (dates/times, technology, etc.)

·Communication: writing invitation, communicating with group participants...

·Harvesting: ensuring with the group the documenting of your process and outcomes

·Hosting/facilitation of the meetings

Formulating an intention for your group and the invitation for the community

·Intention: Set the groups intention with others, i.e. “Why are we doing this?”.

·Invitation: Outline as clearly as possible what you are offering, and what people are being invited into (the groups intention). Add where the meetings will take place (presencial where possible or virtually), when, who else may be participating, what they can expect (or not). You can also direct them to the website and registration page.

Please note: each person in your group should register individually for the summit in the website.

  1. Gathering your group - this means reaching out to people you think will be likely to be interested to see if they’d like to participate. Groups can be family members, friends, local group members, team makes, work colleagues - or any combination of the above.

  2. As part of this gathering process it will be useful to identify and clarify the needs, wants and expectations within your group’s possible members. You may want to ask people what they would like, or make a proposal and see who feels aligned with it. Things you might want to establish include:

    1. How often people would like to meet, and for how long. Two to three hours once a week during the course of the summit is a good guideline, but some people may have more or less time to devote to it

    2. How many interviews people are comfortable with watching - some people will only want to watch one or two, where others may want to tackle all the interviews that week - there’s no right or wrong way to go through the summit, but it may be useful if people in your group share similar time capacity.

    3. The depth that people would like to delve into the content - and their responses to it: are people more interested in a gentle wander through the content or a deeper dive into their personal journey with conflict - again, there’s no right or wrong way, but it will be supportive if those in your group are in alignment on this.

  3. Holding the practicalities that will enable everyone to participate e.g.ensuring:

    1. Everyone knows when your shared meetings will be - and for how long

    2. People know the venue - or conferencing links if the meetings are virtual

Ensuring the process needs of your group are met. There’s more guidance on roles for this in the next page. It is not your job to fill all these roles, but to ensure that they are filled by group members (which may include you!).

Last updated