The online space is the container for "Coming Down to Earth" ongoing asynchronous communication space. There you will be able to interact with your fellow participants, share your dreams, questions, ideas and responses, art and so on.

Getting Back There

We hope you'll find this an exciting place to hang out over the next five weeks. Please remember to bookmark this URL (coming-down-to-earth-community.mn.co) so you know how to come back.

Introductions first!

Please introduce yourself. Go to Your Profile page (or click on the icon in the top rightmost corner, then 'Your Settings', then 'Edit Profile'.)

Add a photo, a mini-bio, and if you like, share where you live in the world. This will help us and other members find you and welcome you!

If you like to learn things on your own, feel free to click around and explore. If not, here’s a detailed guide on how to find your way around. For further assistance, check out our How-To Google Doc guide on using Mighty Networks for this gathering.

Use the menu on the left hand side to find the links you need. All of the links on this Network page offer ways to participate in an online community and engage in conversation.

Home - Your home in "Coming Down to Earth" is your personalised Activity Feed. By default, it will show you the latest activity from your hosts and other members. You can follow members to see everything they post, or opt-out of topics that don’t interest you.

Discovery - Here you’ll see an overview of everything that’s going on - Top Posts, and Topics to dive into

Members - See who’s part of this interesting community. Click on any member to see their profile. You can also see which members live “Near You”. At any time, you can send a message to any member by clicking on a profile and then clicking “Say Hello”. You can check incoming chat messages by clicking on the Chat icon in the top right corner in the screen.

Topics - This is the space for our conversations and connections throughout the gathering. Here is a space to share ideas, questions, and introductions in the early days of the first week. During the gathering, we can reflect and share responses to each week's activities.

Groups - Here’s where you can join different groups based on location, language, interest or shared purpose, forging new kinship connections. You can also form your own group if you’d like.

**Pre-recorded conversations** - You must go directly to the "Journey" page on the website and click on the respective stage to access all of the content that will be launched each week.

A Few Things Upfront

Notifications - You control what notifications you get from "Coming Down to Earth". The default is to get notifications for each new activity on Mighty Networks. The default settings are designed to bring you back early and often. Even if you typically avoid notifications, you may find them helpful to prompt your full engagement over the course of the gathering – up to you.

Go here to update your settings or click on the icon in the top rightmost corner, then go to 'Your Settings', then 'Notifications'.

Mobile app - It’s easy to use and makes it easy to stay in touch if you want to engage via your phone. You’ll need to sign in a second time after you download it. Click here to text yourself the app.


If you have any questions, please check out the Mighty Networks Help Center for members. You can also email the support team at info@conflicttransformationsummit.org

Now Coming Down to Earth...

That’s it! Enjoy exploring and if there’s anything you’d like to see or if you have questions, message us at any time.

Last updated