Your First meeting

This is where your journey together truly begins.

If you can, it will be useful to meet in advance of the summit, but it’s fine to begin this process at any time. After welcoming your group, and depending on how much you’ve already decided together, you may want to discuss:

  1. What is our group’s purpose?

  2. Practical issues - for example: which speakers/topics are members most interested in? Do people want to all watch the same videos and then talk them over together - or do they want to watch different ones and share their main insights?

  3. What agreements would we like to make to support our work together?

  4. What supporting and caring elements do each of us have in our lives to support us in doing this work? Friends, allies, therapeuts, more than human allies, spiritual guides, nature...

  5. If people have signed up for a deeper dive you could take turns to share something of your personal experience of being in and transforming (or not) conflict.

Session template

Here’s a design for a 2.5 hour meeting structure - to use, adapt or ignore :)

Duration (minutes)




Check in

Depends on how many are in the group


Set roles for the meeting (if you haven’t decided in advance)


Conversation/reminders about the intention of the meeting

Depends on how structured your set up has been


Watch video together

This is variable


10 minute break


Round of reflections on the video

Depends on how many are in the group - be sure to time this, so everyone has a go


General discussion leading from this

Or you may prefer to do another round


Check out

Depends on how many are in the group

Last updated