Supportive exercises for all weeks of the summit

  1. Journalling. We are strongly advising all participants to keep a journal over the time they’re engaging with the summit. This is for your personal reflection, ideas, images or flashes of inspiration, reflections into root causes of conflict - whatever feels important for you as you engage with the content (and hopefully also with others who are involved).

  2. For clarity, feeling seen, opening possibilities: Take turns for each person to think about two conflict situations you have experienced: one which you felt you handled badly - and another that you felt you handled well. Tell the rest of the group the stories of each situation as though you were reliving them. Once you have finished, the rest of the group can share what they felt, saw, sensed from what you have told them - particularly noting any patterns, images, metaphors that come to mind.

  3. Inner child visualisation: some people find visualisation easier than others: some will see strong images, almost like a movie playing out, others will get more of a general sense of what might be happening. Be patient with yourself - even gently letting your mind wander through an exercise like this can be helpful. If the question asked to your inner child doesn’t work for you, feel free to put another in its place.

Do this exercise in a place where you feel safe and comfortable - if you’re with others only do this exercise if you feel loving support from those you’re with. You may wish to record the following text in advance so you can go through it without reading. If so, read it slowly, with gaps of several seconds where there are dashes.

Close your eyes and imagine a space where you feel settled, safe and peaceful - - when you have a clear idea of where you are, imagine a child coming to join you - this is yourself as a child - notice what age your child is and how they look and seem to you - - make sure your child feels comfortable in the space as well - you may want to make changes, you are free to do this at any point - - when you are both ready, ask your inner child how they feel about conflict - be willing to sit with them for a while as they open up and say everything they want to - - - when your child has said all they wish to, tell them you are going to leave and ask them where they would like to be till you visit them again - imagine taking them there and when they’re settled saying goodbye for now - - when you’re ready, open your eyes.

You may want to record what happened in your journal, or share it with others in the group in a round. Make sure everyone has the time they need to share - our inner children need to be fully heard!

Last updated