Joe Brewer


Joe has a unique background in physics, math, philosophy, atmospheric science, complexity research, and cognitive linguistics. More than a decade ago, he left the academy to trail blaze a path for other research practitioners to follow.

Awakened to the threat of human-induced climate disruption while pursuing a Ph.D. in atmospheric science, he switched fields and began to work with scholars in the behavioral and cognitive sciences with the hope of helping create large-scale behavior change at the level of global civilization.

He was an active member of the Center for Complex Systems Research at the University of Illinois studying pattern formation in physical and social systems before joining renowned linguist, George Lakoff, at the Rockridge Institute in Berkeley to analyze political discourse and reveal the structures of meaning in human language.

When Rockridge closed its doors in 2008, Joe launched his first social enterprise—a research consultancy called Cognitive Policy Works whose mission was to apply insights from cognitive science to social change efforts. It was here that he built up a global network of collaborators in the nonprofit, governmental, and social impact business domains.

In 2012 he joined forces with Lazlo Karafiath to lay foundations for the new field of culture design, culminating in the birth of Culture2 Inc. Along the way, he has contributed to the formation of the International Centre for Earth Simulation—a globally-focused research foundation dedicated to the integration of more than 100 sciences that study the changing Earth.

He has spoken at many global conferences on the science of social change and the human dimensions of planetary sustainability. And has given workshops on three continents about the workings of the human mind and the strategic tools for designing and enacting positive change in the world.

Joe is executive director of the Center for Applied Cultural Evolution and that he is running the Design Institute for Regenerating Earth (DIRE), an Earth Regenerators study group.

Specialties: Research Design, Writing, Speaking, Idea Integration, Communicating Complex Ideas, Inspiring Others! ;-)