Welcome to Stage 3 - NURTURING THE SOIL

You’ve spent the last stage starting to lean in and observing the phenomena of conflict more closely, not as a distant phenomena taking place somewhere outside of us, occasionally disturbing the waters, but as an aspect of life that permeates our inner and outer experiences. Looking at Conflict as a part of the living process invites us to pay more attention to our individual and collective space of interbeing, so that we can enlarge our understanding of the phenomena itself and of the available choices we each have in face of it. Perhaps Stage 2 wants to keep permeating part of Stage 3 as we go deeper, collectively, opening up to more layers of noticing and expressing the subtle, yet fundamental diversity of experiences of the tensions and conflicts that haven been unfolding in this particular time of global uncertainty, complexity and extreme disruptions.

Every Autumn or dry season, leafs Come Down to Earth, and feed a composting process that nurtures the soil and allows new life to emerge. As we step into Stage 3, we are invited to get in touch with different ways of seeing and thinking about conflict. Hopefully we will enlarge our understanding of conflicts and extend the range of possibilities to address it in our lives and in our contexts.

Nurturing the Soil (Stage 3) is an invitation to meet other narratives and ways of seeing this phenomena. Our intention is to open conversations about the relationship between our ways of seeing and being in the world and the way we relate with conflicts both individually and collectively.

As we meet these diversity of perspectives, we are all invited to continue composting our individual and collective inner content, our shadows, informed by our sadness, our fear, our rage, our joy, transforming what does not serve us and opening space for new meanings and ways of being to emerge.

This is a stage to prepare ourselves to cross thresholds and dive into unknown spaces. We continue to invite you to come with open mind, open heart and open will to let go of what does not serve you/us and open space for the new to come in, during Stage 3 and beyond.

Wish you a great continuation of this Journey!

Ben, Eva and Nuno

Stage 3 | Guest Speakers Interviews

We are so happy to share with you, a very diverse palette of perspectives from an awesome group of Human beings.

Here are a few words about each interview to help you make choices:

The Emergence Network (TEN) Curators, Aerin Dunford, Nuno Da Silva, Toni Spencer and Yeyo Beltrán, sharie their perspectives about the current TEN main exploration themes: post-activism, the otherwise and meeting at the crossroads

Alan Laubsch, Franz Allmayer, Katharina Serafimova, Paulo Carvalho and Rieki Cordon talk about the shortcomings of money and its infrastructure as we know it and emerging possibilities with SEEDS, a cooperative contributing to a regenerative global financial system.

Bob Stilger from New Stories shares his experiences working with community development and community responses to catastrophic events like Fukushima in Japan or Paradise in USA.

Claire Milne shares her perspective about Conflict as a space of possibility.

Daniel Christian Wahl shares his perspective about Conflict from the lenses of his work related with regenerative cultures

Elisabet Sahtouris talks about Conflict and human development from a deep time and evolutionary biology perspective.

Gabriel Meyer talks and sings as he shares his perspective about Conflict and arts, particularly music and humor as instruments to open up new possibilities within conflict contexts.

Guy Burgess shares his perspective as an action researcher in academia, working with Conflict and intractable problems on societal scales.

Iokiñe Rodriguez shares perspectives about Conflict from her participative research practices working with Environmental Conflicts in the Amazonas river basin in Venezuela.

Joel Glanzberg shares is understanding about Conflict from a Regenerative Development, permaculture, tracking and pattern reading practitioner the point of view.

Jon Young talks about Conflict from a perspective of nature connection and community development.

Manish Jain shares his perspective about Conflict from a Gift Culture perspective.

Polly Hyslop speaks, from a researcher and teacher point of view, about Indigenous Community-Based Approaches to Restorative Justice and peace in Alaska.

Scott Brown shares his perspective about Conflict from a Restorative Justice perspective.

Sophy Banks shares her perspective about Conflict and healthy responses and the emergence of healthier more regenerative cultures.

Starhawk offers her perspective about conflict from indigenous perspectives.

Tarek Maassarani shares his take on conflict within movements and organisations striving for social change and justice.

Uri Noy Meir talks about conflict from his own journey growing up in Israel and going through the army and later exploring the role of arts and embodied practices to heal and generate new possibilities.

Vanessa Andreotti talks about conflict from her context of academic studies and practices longing for decolonial ways of thinking and being in the world.

We hope you enjoy and share your insights and comments in our online community space under the stage 3 topic.

Summit Relevant Links

There are more than 600 participants registered and starting to interact within our online space in Mighty Networks. This is the summit’s playground. Join us now!

Our participants guide has all the information you will need to find your way around the summit. A first fast read through is highly recommended as this summit is quite different from the habitual online summits. Please read through the materials with attention and openness to the different “track” of engagement this summit has to offer.