Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the password for the Journey pages?

You will be sent the password when you register, with reminders each week in an info email from

How do I use the calendar?

The calendar link can be found on the pages for each Stage of the journey as well as under the “Practicalities” topic on the Might Networks online community site.

This short video provides an overview of calendar features, including time zones, registering for events, getting Zoom info, and adding events to your personal calendar.

Online Community (Mighty Networks)

You will find a link to sign up for the online community on the pages for each Stage of the Journey. If you are having trouble logging in, please consult this resource.

What is expected from me when I register?

We have no expectations. Our intention has been to produce more than 40 hours of great content (recorded conversations with invited guests from all over the world) and offer a series of online live sessions that allow more participatory, practical experiences and the opportunity for participants and speakers to engage and communicate with each other, exchange ideas about the themes and content and even to create informal groups based on shared inquiries and/or interests if they decide to.

It’s up to each person to choose your preferred level of engagement and cherry pick from what’s on offer that which seems most interesting and useful to you. We anticipate that for most people it will be overwhelming to try and engage with all the material in the few weeks the summit is live, but the recorded content will remain freely available for months after the end of the summit and anyone can use them to go on his/her own individual or collective journey in their own time. 

What is the time commitment required to participate? How many hours per week?

There is no minimum required. Everyone is free to choose their own level of engagement and the summit “tracks” which are most interesting and useful to your life and context.

What can I expect from the summit?

You can expect a container to support you to explore this crucial theme for humanity. There are several “tracks” you can engage with (see ‘what is the summit composed of’ below). This is a self organized journey where each participant, individually or in groups, chooses what to see, what to do and how to explore each perspective in their own way. 

The hosts and the care/support team will do our best to support you in any way we can to have the best experience possible. Please also take care to identify support in your own life to make sure you are well grounded to relate to the potential impacts of whichever part of the summit you engage with. Hopefully, we will all be touched and transformed through our own engagement with the inquiries and invitations. 

Do not expect fixes, formulas or ready made solutions. In fact, we hope you get to the end of the summit with more questions than answers - good questions which might lead you to unexpected places and open up new possibilities in your life. 

What is the Summit composed of?

There are 5 stages in the summit: 

  • Stage 1 - Grounding

  • Stage 2 - Falling Apart

  • Stage 3 - Nurturing the Soil

  • Stage 4 - Seeding the Future

  • Stage 5 - Emerging Pathways

Stage 1 is the opening ceremony and offers support to those hosting small groups to get inside the theme and prepare for the coming stages. 

Stage 5 is the closing and is an invitation to everyone who has participated to reflect on the journey and what it has opened up for us. 

Stages, 2, 3 and 4 are the most intensive in terms of recorded and live content. 

Each stage will be made available on the website on Mondays at 12am UTC

Here are the different “tracks” of engagement within the summit - each person can choose how much of each track they take or leave:

  • Live Opening Ceremony on the 15th of June from 16h30 to 19h30 (UTC)

  • Live Closing Ceremony on the 15th of July from 16h30 to 19h30 (UTC)

  • Pre-recorded conversations: we've talked with more than 40 guests who offered us their views on conflict from a diversity of perspectives and contexts. There’s around 40 hours of content, running through stage 2 (around 8 hours), stage 3 (around 14 hours) and stage 4 (16 hours). These videos will be made available each Monday at 12am (UTC) over the course of the summit - and will remain available for several months after that, so that you can access them whenever you want.

  • Online live sessions: there are several regular fixtures throughout the journey. Friday's co-sensing sessions and the Cafés on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays will offer spaces to meet up and explore questions and engage in conversations that matter most to you.

    There’s a range of additional live sessions on offer from organisers, partners and guest speakers, inviting you to explore and practice some of the approaches mentioned in the conversations track. Participants will have access to a calendar which will allow them to register for specific sessions and links to the videoconferencing platform for each session. 

  • Hubs/small groups: all participants are welcome to invite a small group of family, friends, neighbours, community, team or colleagues and use the recorded conversations and exercises offered in each stage. Visit the ‘get involved’ page to find how to be involved in hosting groups throughout the summit and access the hosting support document provided.

  • Action Research: We encourage the spontaneous clustering of inquiry groups who desire to explore common questions through action research kinds of practices. We particularly invite artists, writers, graphic scribes, painters, musicians, dancers and actors, to join, explore the themes and share your artistic expressions as we go through the journey.

What support is there through summit’s journey?

While we will have support people at all the live sessions, it is up to each participant to ensure that there is enough support for your personal context to nurture and sustain you in processing difficult any emotions and feelings that might arise while exploring sensitive issues related to conflicts in your life and surroundings. 

What does it mean to be a host?

As a host, you will hold a small group of people through their experience of the summit. This should be a light touch role, which will also support you to get the most possible from the summit.

The main responsibilities of hosts will be:‌

  • Convening, organizing logistics (dates/times, technology, etc.) for the group

  • Communication: writing invitations, communicating with group participants...

  • Harvesting: ensuring that the process, learnings and outcomes of the group are documented in some way

  • Hosting/facilitation of the meetings - or ensuring that someone else fills this role.

We have created a short handbook to support hosts which you will be sent when you register as one.

How much should I donate?

We invite you to contribute forward, making a donation according to whatever this work is worth to you and to how much you are in a position to give in this particular moment in your life.