Welcome to Stage 2 - FALLING APART

We hope you managed to ground yourself during stage 1, so that you can enter Stage 2 with openness to meet troubles.

Just as a seed needs to let go of it’s protective shell, breaking apart, as it Comes Down to Earth, so that it can flourish into a new being, so do we, human beings, need to open ourselves to the realisation that we are part of the apparatus that co-creates the habits and patterns of behaviour that keep us individually and collective stuck in responses that lead to results nobody wants.

Stage 2 is an invitation to meet the trouble and stay with it for a little while. Our invitation is for you to open conversations about the ways in which our world views and patterns of behaviour co-create the dynamics that keep us trapped in dealing with conflicts in unhealthy and degenerative ways. It is also an invitation to look into the systemic structures and dynamics that also keep us collectively and individually trapped in the perpetuation of levels of oppression and conflict within our societies.

May we touch our individual and collective wounds, traumas, patterns of destruction so that, by allowing them to be seen and noticed, by giving them space to be embraced and grieved upon, we may start to compost them into new grounds from which more healthy and regenerative cultures can emerge.

We welcome you fully, in your vulnerability and in the fragility of life, hoping that we can support each other going through the pains of the world which are also our own pains. Please come with open mind, open heart and open will to let go of what does not serve you/us and open space for the new to come in, during Stage 3 and beyond.

Wish you a great continuation of this Journey!

Ben, Eva and Nuno

Stage 2 | Guest Speakers Interviews

We have a wonderful batch of Guest Speakers recorded interviews to share with you, to open up this stage conversations.

Don Hall, Deborah Heifeitz, Anahí Araneda and Shunro Yoshida are all deeply involved with the Transition Movement in their regions. This conversation among “transitioners” explores some of the challenges and insights related with conflict from within the movement.

Sophy Banks, one of the founders of the Transition Movement and protagonist of the Inner Transition dimensions, offers her insights on our individual and collective shortcomings when it comes to handling conflict.

Marta Benavides shares with us her particular views from a long life as an activist in San Salvador and around the world. She is a prominent voice from the south hemisphere.

Alnoor Ladha brings together critical thinking about activism, social change spaces, politics and spirituality.

Charles Eisenstein and Bayo Akomolafe come together in a fun, provocative style conversation, combining views about conflict, virus and the downfalls of the dominant mindsets and world-views.

Joe Brewer shares his insights of deep systemic pitfalls and the need to transform current systems towards more healthy and regenerative cultures.

Ana Rhodes, former Findhorn Ecovillage board director, shares with us her insights about the habitual dynamics within communities and intentional groups which often fail to produce the changes they want, trapped in destructive patterns of behaviour and response to conflict.

Last but not least, Guy Burgess offers insights from his academic history of more than 30 years studying and doing action research about conflicts and intractable problems in USA context and worldwide.

Summit Relevant Links

There are more than 600 participants registered and occasionally interacting within our online space in Mighty Networks. This is the summit’s playground. Join us now!

Our participants guide has all the information you will need to find your way around the summit. A first fast read through is highly recommended as this summit is quite different from the habitual online summits. Please read through the materials with attention and openness to the different “track” of engagement this summit has to offer.