
to the "Coming Down to Earth" Conflict Transformation Summit!

We’re so glad you decided to join us.

Dear Participants,

This guide intends to support your experience as you engage with "Coming Down to Earth" Journey.

This Conflict Transformation Online Summit experience is different from most online programs as you are invited to make choices and decide what content and different summit tracks will you engage with;

  • how will you engage: either individually or in a group or groups

  • when to engage: the recorded conversations continue to be available long after the summit was over - and if you engage with the summit in a group or groups, you can decide when to meet

  • with whom to interact and engage: you can either get involved in conversations on a local level hosting a local hub/group or joining an existing one, or you can find others online who wish to meet virtually on a regular basis to explore summit's content and the exercises together.

We've tried to offer a diversity of possibilities to choose from. The interactive live sessions, ranging from cafés, ceremonies, weekly sense-making sessions and interactive workshops hosted by some of the guest speakers, were unique offerings. Some, but not all of them were recorded for your viewing.

The convergence of hundreds of people from all over the world, over a period of 5 weeks, to explore this topic is, was in itself, an amazing field of possibilities, where people could engage with translocal conversations, exploring shared questions, inquiries, action-researches and thematic quests, offering a rich tapestry of diverse views from quite very different contexts, as we had participants from the five continents and dozens of countries.

This guide was designed to be your companion, to support your navigation throughout the journey. All of the ideas, proposals and materials offered here are meant as invitations - they are not mandatory. The guide aims to provide support for a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, so please feel free to use whatever serves your specific situation best - and leave the rest.

The Summit Host Team: Ben Roberts, Eva Schonveld and Nuno Da Silva

You can reach us at info@conflicttransformationsummit.org

Last updated