Journey's "Tracks"

There is a diversity of possible explorations throughout the summit's journey. You can find out more about this, see what’s on offer and get involved on the ‘Journey’ page of the website.


1 - Pre-recorded conversations

2 - Online Live Sessions

3 - Hubs/small groups (Self organized)

4 - Online Community Space (Mighty Networks)

We offered several questions and exercises to participants each week, together with the interviews and the live sessions.

1. Pre-recorded Conversations: We have more than 40 hours of recorded conversations, taken over the last two months, with a diversity of more than 40 guests who share their views on conflict from a diversity of perspectives and contexts. These videos will be available for free for at least a year after the summit begins so people can access them whenever they want.

2. Online live sessions: A wide range of online live sessions took place throughout the journey and some are recorded and accesible on the respective stage page in the website..

  • Opening Ceremony on June 15th: 16h30 Intro musical journey, 17h - 19h Ceremony, 19h00 - 19h30 Closing musical journey (UTC+1)

  • Friday's co-sensing sessions: On the 19th and 26th of June, the 3rd and the 10th of July, the summit's team hosted a 2 hours session from 20h to 22h (UTC+1)

  • Weekly cafés which offered open space to meet up and move around among breakout sessions convened by Coming Down to Earth participants.

  • Interactive sessions: There was also a diversity of offers from organisers, partners and guest speakers, inviting participants to explore and practice some of the approaches explored in the pre-recorded conversations track.

  • Closing Ceremony on July 15th: 16h30 - 19h30 (UTC+1)

3. Hubs/small groups: If you decide to host a group in this journey, you are commited to invite a small group of family, friends, neighbours, community, team or colleagues and use the pre-recorded conversations and other summit offers to generate dialogue and open up new possibilities for your relationships by looking together at how you think, experience and respond to conflict situations. This is an opportunity to connect with perspectives and practices that work through conflict in ways that could be more healthy and regenerative, leading to deeper levels of collaboration, collective awareness and sense-making and co-evolving mutualism. You could meet once or twice each week, physically or virtually to explore each week's theme through dialogue and/or exercises. Informal groups can also emerge online through the connection between participants from the beginning. We hope this guide supports you in your hosting process.

4. Online Community Space

This was a space for participants autonomous interaction to explore, inquire and share findings from the hubs/groups and individual reflections and action researches.

Many embarked on this journey with similar lines of inquiry. We encouraged the emergence of inquiry groups who met regularly to explore shared questions through action research kinds of practices.

We also encouraged the use arts, and particularly journalling, generative scribing, painting and sculpting, playing music and/or dancing, and welcome you to share your artistic expressions of the journey as you go through it in our communal space.

Visit our Coming Down to Earth Community page to share insights, exchange ideas and references, and engage in asynchronous dialogues with fellow participants.

Last updated