CDTE Online Community Space

Why We Built "Coming Down to Earth" Online Community For You

We've created "Coming Down to Earth" Online Community to bring participants together to explore the summit's theme in different ways that are not dependent of the organising team.

A few things you’ll see quickly that make "Coming Down to Earth" Online Community different:

  • It’s Ours. As we build this space together, we have some great features for creating exclusive content, deeper conversations, and invite others for online gatherings. Plus, by building this space off social media, you can have a more efficient and valuable experience with us and each other.

  • There are More Ways for You to Meet Each Other. There are more ways for you to meet people who are near you, who fall into the same categories, or who care about the same topics. We can’t get this in free groups or on a website elsewhere.

  • We Can Bring Together Content and Community. This means We are all invited to bring each other new, fresh ideas and new practices that we can take into our daily life.

What You Should Expect From "Coming Down to Earth"

We're aiming to make your experience here awesome. We want you to get five key things from "Coming Down to Earth":

  • Get content and conversations related with the summit's theme and explorations that you can’t find anywhere else.

  • Meet people who share your interests who live near you, who do the same things, or who care about the same topics.

  • Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around the themes of the summit.

  • Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspectives each week.

To make this a reality, We're going to need your help. Every time you contribute a story, experience, or idea, you’re building a knowledge base every member of this community can tap to improve their understanding and capacity to go through conflict in a more healthy and regenerative way.

It’s why we’re here and why we’re grateful you’re here with us as well.

Last updated